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  1. manifests/charts/istio-control/istio-discovery/templates/mutatingwebhook.yaml

      "namespace" .Release.Namespace }}
    {{- define "core" }}
    {{- /* Kubernetes unfortunately requires a unique name for the webhook in some newer versions, so we assign
    a unique prefix to each. */}}
    - name: {{.Prefix}}
        {{- if .injectionURL }}
        url: "{{ .injectionURL }}"
        {{- else }}
    - Registered: Wed May 08 22:53:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Apr 18 18:16:49 GMT 2024
    - 5.1K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  2. operator/cmd/mesh/testdata/manifest-generate/data-snapshot.tar.gz

    different team may maintain the control plane components (which are highly security sensitive). The install is organized in 'environments' - each environment consists of a set of components in different namespaces that are configured to work together. Regardless of 'environment', workloads can talk with each other and obey the Istio configuration resources, but each environment can use different Istio versions and different configuration defaults. `istioctl kube-inject` or the automatic sidecar injector...
    - Registered: Wed May 08 22:53:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed Jan 10 05:10:03 GMT 2024
    - 198.1K bytes
    - Viewed (1)
  3. helm-releases/minio-5.0.6.tgz

    the account 'default' will be used. serviceAccount: create: true ## The name of the service account to use. If 'create' is 'true', a service account with that name ## will be created. name: "minio-sa" metrics: serviceMonitor: enabled: false # scrape each node/pod individually for additional metrics includeNode: false public: true additionalLabels: {} # for node metrics relabelConfigs: {} # for cluster metrics relabelConfigsCluste: {} # metricRelabelings: # - regex: (server|pod) # action: labeldrop...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Feb 13 06:53:06 GMT 2023
    - 20.3K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  4. helm-releases/minio-5.0.3.tgz

    the account 'default' will be used. serviceAccount: create: true ## The name of the service account to use. If 'create' is 'true', a service account with that name ## will be created. name: "minio-sa" metrics: serviceMonitor: enabled: false # scrape each node/pod individually for additional metrics includeNode: false public: true additionalLabels: {} # for node metrics relabelConfigs: {} # for cluster metrics relabelConfigsCluste: {} # metricRelabelings: # - regex: (server|pod) # action: labeldrop...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Dec 19 08:53:02 GMT 2022
    - 20.3K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  5. helm-releases/minio-5.0.9.tgz

    the account 'default' will be used. serviceAccount: create: true ## The name of the service account to use. If 'create' is 'true', a service account with that name ## will be created. name: "minio-sa" metrics: serviceMonitor: enabled: false # scrape each node/pod individually for additional metrics includeNode: false public: true additionalLabels: {} # for node metrics relabelConfigs: {} # for cluster metrics relabelConfigsCluste: {} # metricRelabelings: # - regex: (server|pod) # action: labeldrop...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed May 03 06:23:26 GMT 2023
    - 20.2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  6. helm-releases/minio-1.0.0.tgz

    ``` Default upgrade strategies are specified in the `values.yaml` file. Update these fields if you'd like to use a different strategy. Configuration ---------- Refer the [Values file](./values.yaml) for all the possible config fields. You can specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release --set persistence.size=1Ti minio/minio ``` The above command deploys MinIO server with a 1Ti backing persistent volume....
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Aug 20 22:30:54 GMT 2021
    - 13.5K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  7. helm-releases/minio-3.3.4.tgz

    ``` Default upgrade strategies are specified in the `values.yaml` file. Update these fields if you'd like to use a different strategy. Configuration ---------- Refer the [Values file](./values.yaml) for all the possible config fields. You can specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release --set persistence.size=1Ti minio/minio ``` The above command deploys MinIO server with a 1Ti backing persistent volume....
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sat Dec 11 17:59:34 GMT 2021
    - 14.6K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  8. helm-releases/minio-3.4.1.tgz

    ``` Default upgrade strategies are specified in the `values.yaml` file. Update these fields if you'd like to use a different strategy. Configuration ---------- Refer the [Values file](./values.yaml) for all the possible config fields. You can specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release --set persistence.size=1Ti minio/minio ``` The above command deploys MinIO server with a 1Ti backing persistent volume....
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Dec 20 21:11:50 GMT 2021
    - 15.2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  9. helm-releases/minio-3.4.2.tgz

    ``` Default upgrade strategies are specified in the `values.yaml` file. Update these fields if you'd like to use a different strategy. Configuration ---------- Refer the [Values file](./values.yaml) for all the possible config fields. You can specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release --set persistence.size=1Ti minio/minio ``` The above command deploys MinIO server with a 1Ti backing persistent volume....
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Tue Dec 21 02:58:25 GMT 2021
    - 15.2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  10. helm-releases/minio-3.2.0.tgz

    ``` Default upgrade strategies are specified in the `values.yaml` file. Update these fields if you'd like to use a different strategy. Configuration ---------- Refer the [Values file](./values.yaml) for all the possible config fields. You can specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release --set persistence.size=1Ti minio/minio ``` The above command deploys MinIO server with a 1Ti backing persistent volume....
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed Oct 13 02:16:24 GMT 2021
    - 14.6K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
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