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Results 51 - 60 of 127 for bla5 (0.09 sec)

  1. pkg/util/iptables/testing/fake_test.go

    		`, "\n"))
    	if buf.String() != expected {
    		t.Fatalf("bad initial dump. expected:\n%s\n\ngot:\n%s\n", expected, buf.Bytes())
    	// EnsureChain
    	existed, err := fake.EnsureChain(iptables.Table("blah"), iptables.Chain("KUBE-TEST"))
    	if err == nil {
    		t.Errorf("did not get expected error creating chain in non-existent table")
    	} else if existed {
    		t.Errorf("wrong return value from EnsureChain with non-existent table")
    Registered: Sat Jun 15 01:39:40 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Tue Dec 19 01:20:51 UTC 2023
    - 10.2K bytes
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  2. src/net/http/sniff_test.go

    	data        []byte
    	contentType string
    	// Some nonsense.
    	{"Empty", []byte{}, "text/plain; charset=utf-8"},
    	{"Binary", []byte{1, 2, 3}, "application/octet-stream"},
    	{"HTML document #1", []byte(`<HtMl><bOdY>blah blah blah</body></html>`), "text/html; charset=utf-8"},
    	{"HTML document #2", []byte(`<HTML></HTML>`), "text/html; charset=utf-8"},
    	{"HTML document #3 (leading whitespace)", []byte(`   <!DOCTYPE HTML>...`), "text/html; charset=utf-8"},
    Registered: Wed Jun 12 16:32:35 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Oct 07 16:53:14 UTC 2022
    - 9.6K bytes
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  3. platforms/software/dependency-management/src/test/groovy/org/gradle/internal/component/external/model/DefaultModuleComponentSelectorTest.groovy

            def selector = DefaultModuleComponentSelector.newSelector(DefaultModuleIdentifier.newId('some-group', 'some-name'), v('1.0'), ImmutableAttributes.EMPTY, [new DefaultImmutableCapability("org", "blah", "1.5")])
   == 'some-group'
            selector.module == 'some-name'
            selector.version == '1.0'
            selector.versionConstraint.requiredVersion == '1.0'
    Registered: Wed Jun 12 18:38:38 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Tue Oct 10 21:10:11 UTC 2023
    - 9.6K bytes
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  4. platforms/core-runtime/logging/src/test/groovy/org/gradle/internal/logging/events/SelectOptionPromptEventTest.groovy

            def result = event.convert(input)
            result.response == null
            result.newPrompt == "Please enter a value between 1 and 4: "
            input | _
            'bla' | ''
            '1s'  | ''
            '0'   | ''
            '5'   | ''
            '-1'  | ''
    Registered: Wed Jun 12 18:38:38 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Tue May 28 12:11:05 UTC 2024
    - 2.1K bytes
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  5. platforms/jvm/language-java/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/java/compile/incremental/AbstractCrossTaskConstantChangesIncrementalCompilationIntegrationTest.groovy

            impl.snapshot { run language.compileTaskName }
            source api: ["class B { final static int x = 3 ; final static int y = -3;  void blah() { /*  change irrelevant to constant value x */ } }"]
            run "impl:${language.compileTaskName}"
    Registered: Wed Jun 12 18:38:38 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Aug 28 11:40:18 UTC 2023
    - 2.9K bytes
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  6. samples/extauthz/

        $ kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pod -l app=sleep -o jsonpath={}) -c sleep -- curl -v ext-authz:8000 -H "x-ext-authz: bla"
            > GET / HTTP/1.1
            > Host: ext-authz-server:8000
            > User-Agent: curl/7.73.0-DEV
            > Accept: */*
            > x-ext-authz: allowx
            * Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
    Registered: Fri Jun 14 15:00:06 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Sep 21 13:52:47 UTC 2023
    - 4.1K bytes
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  7. android/guava-tests/test/com/google/common/net/

      private static final ImmutableList<String> GOOD_DOMAINS =
          ImmutableList.of("com", "", "");
      private static final ImmutableList<String> BAD_DOMAINS =
          ImmutableList.of("foo.blah", "", "[]");
      public void testGoodIpAddresses() throws ParseException {
        for (String spec : GOOD_IPS) {
      public void testBadIpAddresses() {
    Registered: Wed Jun 12 16:38:11 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Feb 18 15:33:20 UTC 2022
    - 3.7K bytes
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  8. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/tests/optimize_functional_ops.mlir

      func.return %cst : tensor<i1>
    func.func private @_functionalize_if_then_branch_01(%arg0: tensor<*xi1>, %arg1: tensor<*xf32>, %arg2: tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<i1>  {
      %0 = "tf.blah"() : () -> tensor<i1>
      func.return %0 : tensor<i1>
    // CHECK: tf.If
    // CHECK: return
    // -----
    // Verify unused if with function with side-effects is removed if op says
    // stateless.
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed Mar 30 10:34:48 UTC 2022
    - 8.4K bytes
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  9. platforms/jvm/testing-jvm/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/testing/AbstractTestReportIntegrationTest.groovy

                def otherTests = tasks.register('otherTests', Test) {
                    binaryResultsDirectory = file("bin")
                    classpath = files('blahClasspath')
                    testClassesDirs = files("blah")
                tasks.register('testReport', TestReport) {
                    testResults.from(test, otherTests)
    Registered: Wed Jun 12 18:38:38 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Sep 18 20:52:40 UTC 2023
    - 5.4K bytes
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  10. security/pkg/pki/util/generate_csr_test.go

    func TestGenCSRTemplateForDualUse(t *testing.T) {
    	tt := map[string]struct {
    		host       string
    		expectedCN string
    		"Single host": {
    			host:       "",
    			expectedCN: "",
    		"Multiple hosts": {
    			host:       ",,c.groups",
    			expectedCN: "",
    	for _, tc := range tt {
    		opts := CertOptions{
    Registered: Fri Jun 14 15:00:06 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Feb 25 09:40:13 UTC 2022
    - 5.5K bytes
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