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Results 41 - 50 of 66 for Trusted (0.17 sec)

  1. helm-releases/minio-5.0.15.tgz

    party CA: ``` kubectl -n minio create secret generic minio-trusted-certs --from-file=keycloak.crt ``` The name of the generated secret can then be passed to Helm using a values file or the `--set` parameter: ``` trustedCertsSecret: "minio-trusted-certs" or --set trustedCertsSecret=minio-trusted-certs ``` ### Create buckets after install Install the chart, specifying the buckets you want to create after install: ```bash helm install --set buckets[0].name=bucket1,buckets[0].policy=none,buckets[0].purge=false...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Jan 12 18:18:57 GMT 2024
    - 20.8K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  2. helm-releases/minio-5.1.0.tgz

    party CA: ``` kubectl -n minio create secret generic minio-trusted-certs --from-file=keycloak.crt ``` The name of the generated secret can then be passed to Helm using a values file or the `--set` parameter: ``` trustedCertsSecret: "minio-trusted-certs" or --set trustedCertsSecret=minio-trusted-certs ``` ### Create buckets after install Install the chart, specifying the buckets you want to create after install: ```bash helm install --set buckets[0].name=bucket1,buckets[0].policy=none,buckets[0].purge=false...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sun Mar 03 18:49:37 GMT 2024
    - 21.3K bytes
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  3. helm/minio/values.yaml

      certSecret: ""
      publicCrt: public.crt
      privateKey: private.key
    ## Trusted Certificates Settings for MinIO. Ref:
    ## Bundle multiple trusted certificates into one secret and pass that here. Ref:
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sun Apr 28 10:14:37 GMT 2024
    - 18.4K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  4. samples/guide/src/main/java/okhttp3/recipes/kt/WiresharkExample.kt

              // Consuming ServerHello handshake message
              // Consuming server Certificate handshake message
              // Consuming server CertificateStatus handshake message
              // Found trusted certificate
              // Consuming ECDH ServerKeyExchange handshake message
              // Consuming ServerHelloDone handshake message
              // Produced ECDHE ClientKeyExchange handshake message
    Plain Text
    - Registered: Fri May 03 11:42:14 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Jan 08 01:13:22 GMT 2024
    - 10.7K bytes
    - Viewed (1)
  5. helm-releases/minio-5.2.0.tgz

    party CA: ``` kubectl -n minio create secret generic minio-trusted-certs --from-file=keycloak.crt ``` The name of the generated secret can then be passed to Helm using a values file or the `--set` parameter: ``` trustedCertsSecret: "minio-trusted-certs" or --set trustedCertsSecret=minio-trusted-certs ``` ### Create buckets after install Install the chart, specifying the buckets you want to create after install: ```bash helm install --set buckets[0].name=bucket1,buckets[0].policy=none,buckets[0].purge=false...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sun Apr 28 10:14:37 GMT 2024
    - 21.7K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  6. mockwebserver/src/main/kotlin/mockwebserver3/MockWebServer.kt

      fun noClientAuth() {
        this.clientAuth = CLIENT_AUTH_NONE
       * Configure the server to [want client auth][SSLSocket.setWantClientAuth]. If the
       * client presents a certificate that is [trusted][TrustManager] the handshake will
       * proceed normally. The connection will also proceed normally if the client presents no
       * certificate at all! But if the client presents an untrusted certificate the handshake
    Plain Text
    - Registered: Fri May 03 11:42:14 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sun Mar 31 17:16:15 GMT 2024
    - 37.4K bytes
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  7. okhttp-testing-support/src/main/kotlin/okhttp3/OkHttpClientTestRule.kt

                "Inaccessible trust store",
                "trustStore is",
                "Reload the trust store",
                "Reload trust certs",
                "adding as trusted certificates",
                "Ignore disabled cipher suite",
                "Ignore unsupported cipher suite",
              ).joinToString(separator = "|"),
    Plain Text
    - Registered: Fri May 03 11:42:14 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Jan 08 01:13:22 GMT 2024
    - 10.5K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  8. src/archive/tar/reader.go

    	if err != nil || numEntries < 0 || int(2*numEntries) < int(numEntries) {
    		return nil, ErrHeader
    	// Parse for all member entries.
    	// numEntries is trusted after this since a potential attacker must have
    	// committed resources proportional to what this library used.
    	if err := feedTokens(2 * numEntries); err != nil {
    		return nil, err
    - Registered: Tue Apr 30 11:13:12 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Mar 08 01:59:14 GMT 2024
    - 26.8K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  9. docs/en/docs/deployment/

    * Traefik (that can also handle certificate renewals)
    * Caddy (that can also handle certificate renewals)
    * Nginx
    * HAProxy
    ## Let's Encrypt
    Before Let's Encrypt, these **HTTPS certificates** were sold by trusted third parties.
    The process to acquire one of these certificates used to be cumbersome, require quite some paperwork and the certificates were quite expensive.
    Plain Text
    - Registered: Sun May 05 07:19:11 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Jan 11 16:31:18 GMT 2024
    - 12K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  10. architecture/ambient/

    | `Forwarded`   | For outgoing requests, the original source IP. Note that since we spoof IPs in most cases, this usually is the same as the actual IP seen. For incoming requests, this is used only for traffic from waypoints (which are trusted and cannot spoof IPs) |
    Plain Text
    - Registered: Wed May 08 22:53:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Apr 25 22:35:16 GMT 2024
    - 16.6K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
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