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Results 51 - 60 of 99 for whale (1.17 sec)

  1. helm-releases/minio-5.0.3.tgz

    install`. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release --set persistence.size=1Ti minio/minio ``` The above command deploys MinIO server with a 1Ti backing persistent volume. Alternately, you can provide a YAML file that specifies parameter values while installing the chart. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml minio/minio ``` ### Persistence This chart provisions a PersistentVolumeClai and mounts corresponding persistent volume to default location `/export`. You'll need...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Dec 19 08:53:02 GMT 2022
    - 20.3K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  2. helm-releases/minio-5.0.9.tgz

    install`. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release --set persistence.size=1Ti minio/minio ``` The above command deploys MinIO server with a 1Ti backing persistent volume. Alternately, you can provide a YAML file that specifies parameter values while installing the chart. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml minio/minio ``` ### Persistence This chart provisions a PersistentVolumeClai and mounts corresponding persistent volume to default location `/export`. You'll need...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed May 03 06:23:26 GMT 2023
    - 20.2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  3. .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug-report.yaml

    name: Bug Report
    description: Report a bug encountered while operating Kubernetes
    labels: kind/bug
      - type: textarea
        id: problem
          label: What happened?
          description: |
            Please provide as much info as possible. Not doing so may result in your bug not being addressed in a timely manner.
            If this matter is security related, please disclose it privately via
    - Registered: Fri May 03 09:05:14 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Feb 28 09:34:43 GMT 2022
    - 2.2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  4. .github/DISCUSSION_TEMPLATE/questions.yml

            As there are too many questions, I'll have to discard and close the incomplete ones. That will allow me (and others) to focus on helping people like you that follow the whole process and help us help you. 🤓
      - type: checkboxes
        id: checks
          label: First Check
          description: Please confirm and check all the following options.
    - Registered: Sun May 05 07:19:11 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Aug 03 15:59:41 GMT 2023
    - 5.8K bytes
    - Viewed (1)
  5. helm-releases/minio-3.0.2.tgz

    install`. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release --set persistence.size=1Ti minio/minio ``` The above command deploys MinIO server with a 1Ti backing persistent volume. Alternately, you can provide a YAML file that specifies parameter values while installing the chart. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml minio/minio ``` Persistence ---------- This chart provisions a PersistentVolumeClai and mounts corresponding persistent volume to default location `/export`. You'll...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Sep 03 08:11:32 GMT 2021
    - 13.8K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  6. helm-releases/minio-2.0.1.tgz

    install`. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release --set persistence.size=1Ti minio/minio ``` The above command deploys MinIO server with a 1Ti backing persistent volume. Alternately, you can provide a YAML file that specifies parameter values while installing the chart. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml minio/minio ``` Persistence ---------- This chart provisions a PersistentVolumeClai and mounts corresponding persistent volume to default location `/export`. You'll...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Tue Aug 31 09:09:09 GMT 2021
    - 13.6K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  7. helm-releases/minio-3.1.9.tgz

    install`. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release --set persistence.size=1Ti minio/minio ``` The above command deploys MinIO server with a 1Ti backing persistent volume. Alternately, you can provide a YAML file that specifies parameter values while installing the chart. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml minio/minio ``` Persistence ---------- This chart provisions a PersistentVolumeClai and mounts corresponding persistent volume to default location `/export`. You'll...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sun Oct 10 21:28:04 GMT 2021
    - 14.6K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  8. helm-releases/minio-3.3.1.tgz

    install`. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release --set persistence.size=1Ti minio/minio ``` The above command deploys MinIO server with a 1Ti backing persistent volume. Alternately, you can provide a YAML file that specifies parameter values while installing the chart. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml minio/minio ``` Persistence ---------- This chart provisions a PersistentVolumeClai and mounts corresponding persistent volume to default location `/export`. You'll...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Dec 02 20:09:18 GMT 2021
    - 14.6K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  9. helm-releases/minio-3.3.2.tgz

    install`. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release --set persistence.size=1Ti minio/minio ``` The above command deploys MinIO server with a 1Ti backing persistent volume. Alternately, you can provide a YAML file that specifies parameter values while installing the chart. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml minio/minio ``` Persistence ---------- This chart provisions a PersistentVolumeClai and mounts corresponding persistent volume to default location `/export`. You'll...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sat Dec 11 17:26:01 GMT 2021
    - 14.6K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  10. helm-releases/minio-3.1.2.tgz

    install`. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release --set persistence.size=1Ti minio/minio ``` The above command deploys MinIO server with a 1Ti backing persistent volume. Alternately, you can provide a YAML file that specifies parameter values while installing the chart. For example, ```bash helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml minio/minio ``` Persistence ---------- This chart provisions a PersistentVolumeClai and mounts corresponding persistent volume to default location `/export`. You'll...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sat Sep 18 04:26:47 GMT 2021
    - 14.4K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
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