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Results 1 - 4 of 4 for Reed (0.14 sec)

  1. common/config/.golangci-format.yml

      # Default: []
        - genfiles$
        - vendor$
      # Which files to exclude: they will be analyzed, but issues from them won't be reported.
      # There is no need to include all autogenerated files,
      # we confidently recognize autogenerated files.
      # If it's not, please let us know.
      # "/" will be replaced by current OS file path separator to properly work on Windows.
      # Default: []
    - Registered: Wed Apr 24 22:53:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Apr 05 03:02:37 GMT 2024
    - 2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  2. helm-releases/minio-5.2.0.tgz

    key `public.crt`, if it also needs to be trusted. For instance, given that TLS is enabled and you need to add trust for MinIO's own CA and for the CA of a Keycloak server, a Kubernetes secret can be created from the certificate files using `kubectl`: ``` kubectl -n minio create secret generic minio-trusted-certs --from-file=public.crt --from-file=keycloak.crt ``` If TLS is not enabled, you would need only the third party CA: ``` kubectl -n minio create secret generic minio-trusted-certs --from-file=keycloak.crt...
    - Registered: Sun Apr 28 19:28:10 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sun Apr 28 10:14:37 GMT 2024
    - 21.7K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  3. manifests/charts/default/templates/mutatingwebhook.yaml

    # Adapted from istio-discovery/templates/mutatingwebhook.yaml
    # Removed paths for legacy and default selectors since a revision tag
    # is inherently created from a specific revision
    {{/* Copy just what we need to avoid expensive deepCopy */}}
    {{- $whv := dict
     "revision" .Values.revision
      "injectionURL" .Values.istiodRemote.injectionURL
      "namespace" .Release.Namespace }}
    {{- define "core" }}
    - name: {{.Prefix}}
    - Registered: Wed Apr 24 22:53:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Apr 18 18:16:49 GMT 2024
    - 3.7K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  4. common/config/.golangci.yml

      # Default: []
        - genfiles$
        - vendor$
      # Which files to exclude: they will be analyzed, but issues from them won't be reported.
      # There is no need to include all autogenerated files,
      # we confidently recognize autogenerated files.
      # If it's not, please let us know.
      # "/" will be replaced by current OS file path separator to properly work on Windows.
      # Default: []
    - Registered: Wed Apr 24 22:53:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Apr 22 19:22:39 GMT 2024
    - 11K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
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