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Results 21 - 30 of 40 for 7x10xi32 (0.1 sec)

  1. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/quantization/tensorflow/tests/lift_quantizable_spots_as_functions.mlir

    // -----
    // CHECK-LABEL: float_matmul
    func.func @float_matmul(
      %arg0: tensor<1x10xf32>, %arg1: tensor<10x10xf32>) -> (tensor<*xf32>, tensor<*xf32>, tensor<*xf32>) {
      %cst = "tf.Const"() {value = dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<10xf32>} : () -> tensor<10xf32>
      %0 = "tf.MatMul"(%arg0, %arg1) {
        transpose_a = false, transpose_b = false
      } : (tensor<1x10xf32>, tensor<10x10xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri May 10 04:07:09 UTC 2024
    - 26.5K bytes
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  2. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/tests/end2end/graph_with_placeholder_with_default.pbtxt

    # CHECK-LABEL: func @main
    # CHECK-SAME:  ([[VAL_0:%.*]]: tensor<1x8x8x2xi32>) -> (tensor<1x8x8x2xi32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<10xi32>)
    # CHECK-SAME:  control_outputs = ""
    # CHECK-SAME:  inputs = "unranked"
    # CHECK-SAME:  outputs = "unranked,static,static_10"
    # CHECK-DAG:         [[VAL_2:%.*]] = arith.constant dense<0> : tensor<10xi32>
    # CHECK-DAG:         [[VAL_1:%.*]] = arith.constant dense<0> : tensor<i32>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed Oct 13 16:33:28 UTC 2021
    - 2.4K bytes
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  3. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/tests/mlir2graphdef/derived_shape_attr.mlir

    // CHECK: shape
    // CHECK: dim
    // CHECK: size: 10
    func.func @main() {
      tf_executor.graph {
        %0:2 = tf_executor.island wraps "tf.Const"() {dtype = "tfdtype$DT_INT32", value = dense<0> : tensor<10xi32>} : () -> tensor<10xi32>
        %1:2 = tf_executor.island wraps "tf.Const"() {dtype = "tfdtype$DT_INT32", value = dense<0> : tensor<i32>} : () -> tensor<i32>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Mar 28 12:06:33 UTC 2022
    - 1.2K bytes
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  4. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/tests/optimize_op_order.mlir

    func.func @dequantize_pushdown(%arg0: tensor<1000x1000x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 7.812500e-03>>, %arg1: tensor<1x1xi32>) -> tensor<1x1x1000xf32> {
      %0 = "tfl.dequantize"(%arg0) : (tensor<1000x1000x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 7.812500e-03>>) -> tensor<1000x1000xf32>
      %1 = "tfl.gather"(%0, %arg1) {axis = 0 : i32, batch_dims = 0 : i32}: (tensor<1000x1000xf32>, tensor<1x1xi32>) -> tensor<1x1x1000xf32>
      func.return %1 : tensor<1x1x1000xf32>
    // CHECK-NEXT: tfl.gather
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Apr 01 02:06:15 UTC 2022
    - 3.6K bytes
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  5. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/stablehlo/tests/legalize_hlo.mlir

      %0 = "mhlo.broadcast_in_dim"(%arg1) <{broadcast_dimensions = dense<[0, 1]> : tensor<2xi64>}> : (tensor<1x1xi32>) -> tensor<1x100xi32>
      %1 = ""(%arg0, %0, %arg2) : (tensor<i1>, tensor<1x100xi32>, tensor<1x100xi32>) -> tensor<1x100xi32>
      func.return %1 : tensor<1x100xi32>
    // CHECK-LABEL:   func @selectv2_broadcasted_condition(
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed May 29 07:26:59 UTC 2024
    - 340.2K bytes
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  6. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/quantization/tensorflow/tests/insert_custom_aggregation_ops.mlir

        } : (tensor<?x100352xf32>, tensor<100352x10xf32>) -> tensor<?x10xf32>
        %3 = "tf.Identity"(%2) {device = ""} : (tensor<?x10xf32>) -> tensor<?x10xf32>
        return %3 : tensor<?x10xf32>
      // CHECK-LABEL: func.func private @composite_dot_general_fn_1
      func.func private @composite_dot_general_fn_1(%arg0: tensor<?x100352xf32>, %arg1: tensor<100352x10xf32>) -> tensor<?x10xf32> {
        // CHECK-NOT: tf.CustomAggregator
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri May 10 04:07:09 UTC 2024
    - 32.1K bytes
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  7. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/tests/mlir2graphdef/output-shapes-attr.mlir

    // RUN: tf-mlir-translate -mlir-to-graphdef %s -o - | FileCheck %s
    func.func @main(%arg0: tensor<10xi32>) -> tensor<10xi32>
    attributes {tf.entry_function = {inputs = "input0", outputs = "output0"}} {
      %graph = tf_executor.graph {
        tf_executor.fetch %arg0 : tensor<10xi32>
      func.return %graph : tensor<10xi32>
    // CHECK:      node {
    // CHECK-NEXT:   name: "input0"
    // CHECK-NEXT:   op: "_Arg"
    // CHECK:          key: "T"
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Mar 25 12:28:56 UTC 2022
    - 3.4K bytes
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  8. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tfr/tests/ops.mlir

    // -----
    func.func @constant_tensor_invalid_3(%arg0: vector<1xi32>) -> tensor<1x1xi32> {
        // expected-error@+1 {{input and output should have same shape and element type}}
      %0 = "tfr.constant_tensor"(%arg0) : (vector<1xi32>) -> tensor<1x1xi32>
      func.return %0 : tensor<1x1xi32>
    // -----
    func.func @constant_tensor_invalid_4(%arg0: i32) -> tensor<1x1xi32> {
        // expected-error@+1 {{input can not be converted to an output tensor}}
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Sat Jan 14 22:15:06 UTC 2023
    - 13.1K bytes
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  9. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tf2xla/tests/legalize-tf-with-tf2xla-hlo-importer.mlir

        // CHECK-NOT: tf.Multinomial
        %samples = "tf.Const"() { value = dense<10> : tensor<i32> } : () -> tensor<i32>
        %1 = "tf.Multinomial"(%arg0, %samples) {seed = 0, seed2 = 0}: (tensor<2x4xf32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<2x10xi32>
        func.return %1 : tensor<2x10xi32>
      // CHECK-LABEL: @set_dynamic_dimension_size
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Sat Apr 06 15:32:52 UTC 2024
    - 38.6K bytes
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  10. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/quantization/tensorflow/tests/cast_bf16_ops_to_f32.mlir

    // CHECK: return %[[identity]] : tensor<1x3x2x2xf32>
    func.func @cast_bf16_matmul_to_fp32(%arg0: tensor<1x10xf32>) -> (tensor<1x2xf32>) {
      %cst = "tf.Const"() {device = "", value = dense<1.000000e+01> : tensor<10x2xbf16>} : () -> tensor<10x2xbf16>
      %0 = "tf.Cast"(%arg0) {Truncate = false, device = ""} : (tensor<1x10xf32>) -> tensor<1x10xbf16>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Oct 30 06:52:55 UTC 2023
    - 8.4K bytes
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