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Results 81 - 90 of 127 for 36xi32 (0.14 sec)

  1. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/tests/graphdef2mlir/arg-multi-data-type-with-subtype.pbtxt

    >, tensor<i8>, tensor<f64>, tensor<!tf_type.resource>)
    # CHECK-SUBTYPE: func @main(%arg0: tensor<10xi32>, %arg1: tensor<!tf_type.variant<tensor<10xf32>>>, %arg2: tensor<10xi8>, %arg3: tensor<10xf64>, %arg4: tensor<!tf_type.resource<tensor<10xi32>>>) -> (tensor<10xi32>, tensor<!tf_type.variant<tensor<10xf32>>>, tensor<10xi8>, tensor<10xf64>, tensor<!tf_type.resource<tensor<10xi32>>>)...
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Tue Jun 07 18:11:42 UTC 2022
    - 2.4K bytes
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  2. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/experimental/tac/tests/get-op-cost.mlir

      func.return %0 : tensor<256x32x32x16xf32>
    func.func @testConv2DGPU(tensor<256x32x32x3xf32>, tensor<16x3x3x3xf32>, tensor<16xf32>) -> tensor<256x32x32x16xf32> {
    ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<256x32x32x3xf32>, %arg1: tensor<16x3x3x3xf32>, %arg2: tensor<16xf32>):
      // CHECK: tac.cost = 0x4C300000
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Mar 24 05:29:10 UTC 2022
    - 5.7K bytes
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  3. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/tests/mlir2graphdef/derived_shape_attr.mlir

        %0:2 = tf_executor.island wraps "tf.Const"() {dtype = "tfdtype$DT_INT32", value = dense<0> : tensor<10xi32>} : () -> tensor<10xi32>
        %1:2 = tf_executor.island wraps "tf.Const"() {dtype = "tfdtype$DT_INT32", value = dense<0> : tensor<i32>} : () -> tensor<i32>
        %2:2 = tf_executor.island wraps "tf.PlaceholderWithDefault"(%1#0) {type = i32} : (tensor<i32>) -> tensor<*xi32> loc("unranked")
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Mar 28 12:06:33 UTC 2022
    - 1.2K bytes
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  4. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/tests/mlir2graphdef/shape_list_attr.mlir

    // CHECK:            shape {
    // CHECK-NEXT:         unknown_rank: true
    func.func @main() {
      tf_executor.graph {
        %0:4 = tf_executor.island wraps "tf.InfeedDequeueTuple"() : () -> (tensor<3xi32>, tensor<4x?xf32>, tensor<*xi16>)
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Mar 28 12:06:33 UTC 2022
    - 931 bytes
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  5. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/tests/end2end/graph_with_placeholder_with_default.pbtxt

    # CHECK-LABEL: func @main
    # CHECK-SAME:  ([[VAL_0:%.*]]: tensor<1x8x8x2xi32>) -> (tensor<1x8x8x2xi32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<10xi32>)
    # CHECK-SAME:  control_outputs = ""
    # CHECK-SAME:  inputs = "unranked"
    # CHECK-SAME:  outputs = "unranked,static,static_10"
    # CHECK-DAG:         [[VAL_2:%.*]] = arith.constant dense<0> : tensor<10xi32>
    # CHECK-DAG:         [[VAL_1:%.*]] = arith.constant dense<0> : tensor<i32>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed Oct 13 16:33:28 UTC 2021
    - 2.4K bytes
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  6. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/tests/tensor_list_ops_decomposition.mlir

      // CHECK-NEXT: %[[NEW_SIZE:.*]] = "tf.AddV2"(%[[ZERO]], %[[CONST1]]) : (tensor<1xi32>, tensor<1xi32>) -> tensor<1xi32>
      %push = "tf.TensorListPushBack"(%id, %elem) : (tensor<!tf_type.variant<tensor<f32>>>, tensor<f32>) -> tensor<!tf_type.variant<tensor<f32>>>
      // CHECK-NEXT: %[[COPY:.*]] = "tf.Identity"(%[[UPDATE]])
      // CHECK-NEXT: %[[CONST1_1:.*]] = "tf.Const"() <{value = dense<1> : tensor<1xi32>}> : () -> tensor<1xi32>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Oct 30 06:52:55 UTC 2023
    - 38.6K bytes
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  7. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/stablehlo/tests/unfuse_mhlo_batch_norm.mlir

      // CHECK-DAG: %[[X_SHAPE:.+]] = shape.shape_of %[[X]] : tensor<3x4x256x6xf32> -> tensor<4xindex>
      // CHECK-DAG: %[[EPS:.+]] = mhlo.constant dense<1.000000e+00> : tensor<256xf32>
      // CHECK-DAG: %[[MEAN:.+]] = "tf.Mean"(%arg0, %[[CST_AXIS]]) <{keep_dims = false}> : (tensor<3x4x256x6xf32>, tensor<3xi32>) -> tensor<256xf32>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Sat Apr 06 15:32:52 UTC 2024
    - 10.4K bytes
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  8. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/tests/graphdef2mlir/add.pbtxt

    # NONE-SAME:  control_outputs = ""
    # NONE-SAME:  inputs = "input0,input1"
    # NONE-SAME:  outputs = "Add"
    # NONE:           %[[add:.*]], %[[add_control:.*]] = tf_executor.island wraps "tf.Add"(%[[ARG_0]], %[[ARG_1]])
    # NONE:           fetch %[[add]]
    # UNKNOWN-LABEL: func @main
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Tue Nov 17 08:38:39 UTC 2020
    - 3.4K bytes
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  9. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/tests/legalize-tensorlist.mlir

      func.return %0 : tensor<2xi32>
    // -----
    // CHECK-LABEL: listFromTensor
    func.func @listFromTensor(%tensor: tensor<3xi32>, %shape : tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<!tf_type.variant<tensor<i32>>> {
      %0 = "tf.TensorListFromTensor"(%tensor, %shape) : (tensor<3xi32>, tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<!tf_type.variant<tensor<i32>>>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu May 02 09:41:17 UTC 2024
    - 9.5K bytes
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  10. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/quantization/stablehlo/passes/bridge/

    func.func @main(
        %arg0: tensor<10x10xf32>, %scale: tensor<10xf32>, %zp: tensor<10xi32>
      ) -> tensor<10x10xi8> {
      %0 = "tf.UniformQuantize"(%arg0, %scale, %zp) {
        quantization_axis = 1 : i64,
        quantization_min_val = -128 : i64,
        quantization_max_val = 127 : i64
      } : (tensor<10x10xf32>, tensor<10xf32>, tensor<10xi32>) -> tensor<10x10x!tf_type.qint8>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed Apr 03 01:03:21 UTC 2024
    - 35.8K bytes
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