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Results 81 - 90 of 124 for 2x9xf32 (0.09 sec)

  1. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tfrt/tests/mlrt/rewrite_ifrt_load_variable.mlir

    // CHECK-NEXT:    "tf.MatMul"(%arg0, [[TENSOR]]) : (tensor<1x3xf32>, tensor<3x1xf32>) -> tensor<1x1xf32>
    // CHECK-NEXT:    "tf.IfrtCall"(%arg0, [[ARRAYKEY]]) <{program_id = 6515870160938153680 : i64, variable_arg_indices = [1 : i32]}> {__tpu_compile_metadata_text = "retvals { sharding { } }"} : (tensor<1x3xf32>, tensor<!tf_type.string>) -> tensor<1x1xf32>
    // CHECK-NEXT:    return
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed May 22 21:35:32 UTC 2024
    - 1.7K bytes
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  2. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/quantization/stablehlo/cc/

      // MLIR @main function corresponds to the TF function "main_original".
      OwningOpRef<ModuleOp> module_op = ParseModuleOpString(R"mlir(
        func.func private @main(%arg: tensor<1x2xf32>) -> (tensor<1x2xf32>) attributes {tf._original_func_name = "main_original"} {
          return %arg : tensor<1x2xf32>
      absl::flat_hash_map<FunctionName, FunctionAlias> function_aliases;
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Mar 07 03:47:17 UTC 2024
    - 4.6K bytes
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  3. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/quantization/ir/QuantizeUtils.h

    /// (realValue: FloatAttr, quantizedElementType: UniformQuantizedType[i8:f32])
    ///   -> (IntegerAttr, outConvertedType: i8)
    /// 2. realValue is an elements attribute:
    /// (realValue: DenseElementsAttr[tensor<2x2xf32>],
    ///  quantizedElementType: UniformQuantizedType[i8:f32])
    ///   -> (DenseElementsAttr[tensor<2x2xi8>], outConvertedType: tensor<2x2xi8>)
    Attribute quantizeAttr(Attribute realValue,
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Jul 29 18:55:28 UTC 2022
    - 3.1K bytes
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  4. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/experimental/tac/

      %3 = "tfl.pack"(%1, %2) {axis = 0 : i32, per_device_costs = {CPU = 2.0 : f32, GPU = -1.0 : f32}, values_count = 2 : i32, tac.device = "CPU"} : (tensor<1xf32>, tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<2x1xf32>
      func.return %3 : tensor<2x1xf32>
      const std::string kExpectedFB = CreateRuntimeMetadata();
      mlir::DialectRegistry registry;
      registry.insert<mlir::TFL::TensorFlowLiteDialect, mlir::arith::ArithDialect,
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Tue Jun 11 06:11:34 UTC 2024
    - 6K bytes
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  5. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/tests/layout_optimization_move_transposes_begin.mlir

    // CHECK-LABEL: dont_move_transpose_different_ranks
    func.func @dont_move_transpose_different_ranks(%arg0:tensor<1x1x2x3xf32>, %arg1:tensor<2x3xf32>) -> tensor<1x2x1x3xf32> {
      %cst = "tf.Const"() {value = dense<[0, 2, 1, 3]> : tensor<4xi32>} : () -> tensor<4xi32>
      %0 = "tf.AddV2"(%arg0, %arg1) {device = ""} : (tensor<1x1x2x3xf32>, tensor<2x3xf32>) -> tensor<1x1x2x3xf32>
      %1 = "tf.Transpose"(%0, %cst) {device = ""} : (tensor<1x1x2x3xf32>, tensor<4xi32>) -> tensor<1x2x1x3xf32>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Oct 30 06:52:55 UTC 2023
    - 6.3K bytes
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  6. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/stablehlo/tests/fold_broadcast.mlir

      %cst0 = mhlo.constant dense<[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]> : tensor<2x3xf32>
      %cst1 = mhlo.constant dense<[[[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]], [[7.0, 8.0, 9.0], [10.0, 11.0, 12.0]]]]> : tensor<1x2x2x3xf32>
      %0 = "mhlo.broadcast_in_dim"(%cst0) <{broadcast_dimensions = dense<[1, 3]> : tensor<2xi64>}> : (tensor<2x3xf32>) -> tensor<1x2x2x3xf32>
      %1 = mhlo.multiply %0, %cst1 : tensor<1x2x2x3xf32>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Sat Apr 06 15:32:52 UTC 2024
    - 4.1K bytes
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  7. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tfrt/tests/tf_to_corert/fallback.mlir

      %1 = "tf.MatMul"(%arg0, %0) {T = f32, device = "/device:CPU:0", transpose_a = false, transpose_b = false} : (tensor<3x1xf32>, tensor<1x3xf32>) -> tensor<3x3xf32>
      func.return %1 : tensor<3x3xf32>
    // CHECK-LABEL: func @gpu_device
    func.func @gpu_device(%arg0: tensor<3x1xf32>, %arg1: tensor<!tf_type.resource<tensor<1x3xf32>>>) -> tensor<3x3xf32> {
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed May 08 00:18:59 UTC 2024
    - 9.1K bytes
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  8. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/quantization/stablehlo/tests/passes/replace_stablehlo_ops_in_main_function_with_xla_call_module_ops.mlir

          _collective_manager_ids = [], device = ""
        } : (tensor<3x3xf32>, tensor<3x3xf32>) -> tensor<3x3xf32>
        %3 = "tf.PartitionedCall"(%2, %1) <{
          config = "", config_proto = "", executor_type = "", f = @some_other_func
        }> {
          _collective_manager_ids = [], device = ""
        } : (tensor<3x3xf32>, tensor<3x3xf32>) -> tensor<3x3xf32>
        return %3 : tensor<3x3xf32>
      // CHECK: func.func @main
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Apr 25 01:09:50 UTC 2024
    - 39.8K bytes
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  9. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tfrt/tests/hoist_invariant_ops.mlir

      %1 = "tf.ReadVariableOp"(%0) {device = "/device:CPU:0"} : (tensor<!tf_type.resource<tensor<1x3xf32>>>) -> tensor<1x3xf32>
      %2 = "tf.AddV2"(%arg0, %1) {device = "/device:CPU:0"} : (tensor<1x3xf32>, tensor<1x3xf32>) -> tensor<1x3xf32>
      %3 = "tf.Identity"(%2) {device = "/device:CPU:0"} : (tensor<1x3xf32>) -> tensor<1x3xf32>
      func.return %3 : tensor<1x3xf32>
    // CHECK-LABEL: func @main
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Apr 01 23:54:14 UTC 2024
    - 18.3K bytes
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  10. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tfr/tests/rewrite_quantized_io.mlir

      %arg1: tensor<1x5xf32>) -> (tensor<1x10x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 0.2:42>>, tensor<1x5xf32>) {
      %0 = "tf.MyRequantize"(%arg0) : (tensor<1x10x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 0.1:-128>>) -> tensor<1x10x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 0.2:42>>
      %1 = "tf.Intermediate"(%arg1) : (tensor<1x5xf32>) -> tensor<1x5xf32>
      func.return %0, %1 : tensor<1x10x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 0.2:42>>, tensor<1x5xf32>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Oct 30 06:52:55 UTC 2023
    - 2.3K bytes
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