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Results 171 - 180 of 839 for nilcheck (0.83 sec)

  1. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/tests/end2end/unroll_batch_matmul_disabled.pbtxt

    # RUN: tf_tfl_translate -unfold_batchmatmul=false -tf-input-arrays=Placeholder,Placeholder_1 -tf-input-shapes=2,5,3:3,7 -tf-input-data-types=DT_FLOAT,DT_FLOAT -tf-output-arrays=MatMul -output-mlir %s -o - 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
    node {
      name: "Placeholder"
      op: "Placeholder"
      attr {
        key: "dtype"
        value {
          type: DT_FLOAT
      attr {
        key: "shape"
        value {
          shape {
            dim {
              size: 2
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu May 02 09:41:17 UTC 2024
    - 1.5K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  2. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/tests/mlir2flatbuffer/optional.mlir

    // RUN: flatbuffer_translate -mlir-to-tflite-flatbuffer %s -o - | flatbuffer_to_string - | FileCheck %s
    func.func @main(%arg0: tensor<40x37xf32>, %arg1: tensor<40x37xf32>) -> tensor<40x40xf32> {
      %0 = "tfl.no_value"() {value = unit} : () -> none
      %1:2 = "tfl.fully_connected"(%arg0, %arg1, %0) {fused_activation_function = "NONE", keep_num_dims = false, weights_format = "DEFAULT"} : (tensor<40x37xf32>, tensor<40x37xf32>, none) -> (tensor<40x40xf32>, tensor<40x40xf32>)
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Mar 24 07:31:32 UTC 2022
    - 791 bytes
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  3. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/stablehlo/tests/legalize-tfl-stablehlo.mlir

    // RUN: odml-to-stablehlo-opt %s -tfl-parse-stablehlo-ops | FileCheck %s
    module {
    func.func @main(%arg0: tensor<2xi32>) -> tensor<2xi32> attributes {tf.entry_function = {inputs = "arg0", outputs = "tfl.custom1"}} {
      %0 = "tfl.custom"(%arg0, %arg0) {custom_code = "stablehlo.add", custom_option = #tfl<const_bytes : "0x00000100002401">} : (tensor<2xi32>, tensor<2xi32>) -> tensor<2xi32>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Dec 16 05:09:09 UTC 2022
    - 983 bytes
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  4. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/tests/mlir2graphdef/tf_identity_n.mlir

    // RUN: tf-mlir-translate -mlir-to-graphdef %s -o - | FileCheck %s
    func.func @main() -> tensor<2x3xi32> {
      %graph = tf_executor.graph {
        %0:2 = tf_executor.island wraps "tf.Const"() {value = dense<5> : tensor<2x3xi32>} : () -> tensor<2x3xi32> loc("Const0")
        %1:2 = tf_executor.island wraps "tf.Const"() {value = dense<4.2> : tensor<4x5xf32>} : () -> tensor<4x5xf32> loc("Const1")
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Mar 25 12:28:56 UTC 2022
    - 1014 bytes
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  5. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tfrt/tests/tf_to_corert/side_effects.mlir

    // RUN: tf-tfrt-opt -tf-to-tfrt %s | FileCheck %s --dump-input=fail
    // CHECK-LABEL: func @assign_variable
    // CHECK-SAME: ([[in_chain:%.*]]: !tfrt.chain) -> !tfrt.chain
    func.func @assign_variable() {
      // CHECK: [[ch1:%.*]], %results = tfrt_fallback_async.executeop.seq([[in_chain]]) key(0) cost({{.*}}) device("/device:CPU:0") "tf.VarHandleOp"
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Mar 28 12:06:33 UTC 2022
    - 1008 bytes
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  6. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tfrt/tests/runtime_lowering_gpu.mlir

    // RUN: tf-tfrt-opt -tfrt-lower-cluster-to-runtime-ops-non-tpu -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics %s | FileCheck %s
    module attributes {tf.versions = {producer = 888 : i32}, tf.devices = ["/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", "/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU_SYSTEM:0", "/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0"]} {
      // CHECK-LABEL: @converts_cluster
      func.func @converts_cluster() {
        // CHECK: "tf.XlaLaunch"()
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Oct 13 17:41:44 UTC 2023
    - 840 bytes
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  7. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/tests/optimize-after-quantization.mlir

    // RUN: tf-opt %s -tfl-prepare-quantize -canonicalize -tfl-quantize -canonicalize -tfl-optimize -canonicalize | FileCheck %s
    // CHECK-LABEL: fuseMulIntoPerTensorConv2dWithQDQs
    func.func @fuseMulIntoPerTensorConv2dWithQDQs(%arg0: tensor<256x32x32x3xf32>) -> tensor<256x8x7x3xf32> {
      %cst = arith.constant dense<1.5> : tensor<3xf32>
      %cst_0 = arith.constant dense<[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]> : tensor<3xf32>
      %w = arith.constant dense<2.0> : tensor<3x3x3x3xf32>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Jan 05 18:35:42 UTC 2024
    - 1.4K bytes
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  8. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/tests/flatbuffer2mlir/math.mlir

    // RUN: flatbuffer_translate -mlir-to-tflite-flatbuffer %s -o - | flatbuffer_translate --tflite-flatbuffer-to-mlir - -o - | FileCheck %s
    // Confirm float constants and operators survive a roundtrip
    func.func @main(tensor<4xf32>) -> tensor<4xf32> {
    ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<4xf32>):
      // CHECK:      [[CONST:%.*]] = "tfl.pseudo_const"() <{value = dense<1.000000e+00> : tensor<4xf32>}> : () -> tensor<4xf32>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu May 02 09:41:17 UTC 2024
    - 1.4K bytes
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  9. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/stablehlo/tests/legalize-tfl-stablehlo-concat.mlir

    // RUN: odml-to-stablehlo-opt %s -tfl-parse-stablehlo-ops | FileCheck %s
    module {
    func.func @main(%arg0: tensor<3x3xf32>, %arg1: tensor<3x3xf32>) -> tensor<6x3xf32> {
      %0 = "tfl.custom"(%arg0, %arg1) {custom_code = "stablehlo.concatenate", custom_option = #tfl<const_bytes : "0x64696D656E73696F6E00010B0101010004022401">} : (tensor<3x3xf32>, tensor<3x3xf32>) -> tensor<6x3xf32>
      func.return %0 : tensor<6x3xf32>
    // CHECK:       module {
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Dec 16 05:09:09 UTC 2022
    - 746 bytes
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  10. tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/tests/lower-static-tensor-list-default-to-single-batch.mlir

    // RUN: tf-opt "-tfl-lower-static-tensor-list=allow-tensorlist-pass-through default-to-single-batch=false" -split-input-file %s | FileCheck %s
    // -----
    func.func @tensorlistReserveConstantUnknownElementShapeDim(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>) -> tensor<?x7xf32> {
      %cst = arith.constant dense<[-1, 7]> : tensor<2xi32>
      %0 = "tf.TensorListReserve"(%cst, %arg0) : (tensor<2xi32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<!tf_type.variant<tensor<?x7xf32>>>
    Registered: Sun Jun 16 05:45:23 UTC 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Mar 28 14:24:59 UTC 2022
    - 766 bytes
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