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## 🗄 ➡ 🥇, 🗄 `Path` ⚪️➡️ `fastapi`: //// tab | 🐍 3️⃣.6️⃣ & 🔛 ```Python hl_lines="3" {!> ../../docs_src/path_params_numeric_validations/tutorial001.py!} ``` //// //// tab | 🐍 3️⃣.1️⃣0️⃣ & 🔛 ```Python hl_lines="1" {!> ../../docs_src/path_params_numeric_validations/tutorial001_py310.py!} ``` //// ## 📣 🗃 👆 💪 📣 🌐 🎏 🔢 `Query`.
Registered: Sun Nov 03 07:19:11 UTC 2024 - Last Modified: Sun Oct 06 20:36:54 UTC 2024 - 4.3K bytes - Viewed (0) -
Puedes compararlo con el *enumeration member* en el enum (`ModelName`) que creaste: ```Python hl_lines="17" {!../../docs_src/path_params/tutorial005.py!} ``` #### Obtén el *enumeration value* Puedes obtener el valor exacto (un `str` en este caso) usando `model_name.value`, o en general, `your_enum_member.value`: ```Python hl_lines="20" {!../../docs_src/path_params/tutorial005.py!} ``` /// tip | Consejo
Registered: Sun Nov 03 07:19:11 UTC 2024 - Last Modified: Sun Oct 06 20:36:54 UTC 2024 - 9.4K bytes - Viewed (0) -
In that case, they will be applied to all the *path operations* in the application: //// tab | Python 3.9+ ```Python hl_lines="16" {!> ../../docs_src/dependencies/tutorial012_an_py39.py!} ``` //// //// tab | Python 3.8+ ```Python hl_lines="16" {!> ../../docs_src/dependencies/tutorial012_an.py!} ``` //// //// tab | Python 3.8 non-Annotated /// tip
Registered: Sun Nov 03 07:19:11 UTC 2024 - Last Modified: Sun Oct 06 20:36:54 UTC 2024 - 1.4K bytes - Viewed (0) -
/// ## Імпортуйте `BaseModel` від Pydantic Спочатку вам потрібно імпортувати `BaseModel` з `pydantic`: //// tab | Python 3.8 і вище ```Python hl_lines="4" {!> ../../docs_src/body/tutorial001.py!} ``` //// //// tab | Python 3.10 і вище ```Python hl_lines="2" {!> ../../docs_src/body/tutorial001_py310.py!} ``` //// ## Створіть свою модель даних
Registered: Sun Nov 03 07:19:11 UTC 2024 - Last Modified: Sun Oct 06 20:36:54 UTC 2024 - 11.1K bytes - Viewed (0) -
//// tab | Python 3.10+ ```Python hl_lines="5 12-16" {!> ../../docs_src/security/tutorial002_an_py310.py!} ``` //// //// tab | Python 3.9+ ```Python hl_lines="5 12-16" {!> ../../docs_src/security/tutorial002_an_py39.py!} ``` //// //// tab | Python 3.8+ ```Python hl_lines="5 13-17" {!> ../../docs_src/security/tutorial002_an.py!} ``` //// //// tab | Python 3.10+ nicht annotiert
Registered: Sun Nov 03 07:19:11 UTC 2024 - Last Modified: Sun Oct 06 20:36:54 UTC 2024 - 8.3K bytes - Viewed (0) -
Python 可以把类实例变为**可调用项**。 这里说的不是类本身(类本就是可调用项),而是类实例。 为此,需要声明 `__call__` 方法: ```Python hl_lines="10" {!../../docs_src/dependencies/tutorial011.py!} ``` 本例中,**FastAPI** 使用 `__call__` 检查附加参数及子依赖项,稍后,还要调用它向*路径操作函数*传递值。 ## 参数化实例 接下来,使用 `__init__` 声明用于**参数化**依赖项的实例参数: ```Python hl_lines="7" {!../../docs_src/dependencies/tutorial011.py!} ``` 本例中,**FastAPI** 不使用 `__init__`,我们要直接在代码中使用。
Registered: Sun Nov 03 07:19:11 UTC 2024 - Last Modified: Sun Oct 06 20:36:54 UTC 2024 - 2K bytes - Viewed (0) -
👫 💪 **⏬** 👆 💪 👫. **FastAPI** 🔜 ✊ 💅 🔬 👫. ## 🥇 🔗 "☑" 👆 💪 ✍ 🥇 🔗 ("☑") 💖: //// tab | 🐍 3️⃣.6️⃣ & 🔛 ```Python hl_lines="8-9" {!> ../../docs_src/dependencies/tutorial005.py!} ``` //// //// tab | 🐍 3️⃣.1️⃣0️⃣ & 🔛 ```Python hl_lines="6-7" {!> ../../docs_src/dependencies/tutorial005_py310.py!} ``` //// ⚫️ 📣 📦 🔢 🔢 `q` `str`, & ⤴️ ⚫️ 📨 ⚫️.
Registered: Sun Nov 03 07:19:11 UTC 2024 - Last Modified: Sun Oct 06 20:36:54 UTC 2024 - 3.3K bytes - Viewed (0) -
//// tab | Python 3.10+ ```Python hl_lines="1" {!> ../../docs_src/python_types/tutorial009_py310.py!} ``` //// //// tab | Python 3.8+ ```Python hl_lines="1 4" {!> ../../docs_src/python_types/tutorial009.py!} ``` //// //// tab | Python 3.8+ বিকল্প ```Python hl_lines="1 4" {!> ../../docs_src/python_types/tutorial009b.py!} ``` ////
Registered: Sun Nov 03 07:19:11 UTC 2024 - Last Modified: Sun Oct 06 20:36:54 UTC 2024 - 35.8K bytes - Viewed (0) -
//// tab | Python 3.10+ Pydantic v2 ```Python hl_lines="13-24" {!> ../../docs_src/schema_extra_example/tutorial001_py310.py!} ``` //// //// tab | Python 3.10+ Pydantic v1 ```Python hl_lines="13-23" {!> ../../docs_src/schema_extra_example/tutorial001_py310_pv1.py!} ``` //// //// tab | Python 3.8+ Pydantic v2 ```Python hl_lines="15-26" {!> ../../docs_src/schema_extra_example/tutorial001.py!}
Registered: Sun Nov 03 07:19:11 UTC 2024 - Last Modified: Sun Oct 06 20:36:54 UTC 2024 - 13.2K bytes - Viewed (0) -
//// tab | Python 3.9+ ```Python hl_lines="12" {!> ../../docs_src/security/tutorial001_an_py39.py!} ``` //// //// tab | Python 3.8+ ```Python hl_lines="11" {!> ../../docs_src/security/tutorial001_an.py!} ``` //// //// tab | Python 3.8+ non-Annotated /// tip Prefer to use the `Annotated` version if possible. /// ```Python hl_lines="10"
Registered: Sun Nov 03 07:19:11 UTC 2024 - Last Modified: Sun Oct 06 20:36:54 UTC 2024 - 7.4K bytes - Viewed (0)