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  1. docs/kms/

    ## MinIO KMS Quick Start
    MinIO supports two ways of encrypting IAM and configuration data.
    You can either use KES - together with an external KMS - or, much simpler,
    set the env. variable `MINIO_KMS_SECRET_KEY` and start/restart the MinIO server. For more details about KES and how
    to set it up refer to our [KMS Guide](
    Plain Text
    - Registered: Sun Apr 21 19:28:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Jan 18 07:03:17 GMT 2024
    - 5.3K bytes
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  2. docs/sts/

            token_url, data=data, verify=False,
            allow_redirects=False, auth=(client_id, client_secret))
        print('body: ' + id_token_response.text)
        # we can now use the id_token as much as we want to access protected resources.
        tokens = json.loads(id_token_response.text)
        id_token = tokens['id_token']
        response = sts_client.assume_role_with_web_identity(
    - Registered: Sun Apr 21 19:28:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed Jul 28 01:37:51 GMT 2021
    - 2.9K bytes
    - Viewed (1)
  3. internal/s3select/json/preader.go

    	// Read until next line.
    	in, err := r.buf.ReadBytes('\n')
    	dst = append(dst, in...)
    	return dst, err
    // jsonSplitSize is the size of each block.
    // Blocks will read this much and find the first following newline.
    // 128KB appears to be a very reasonable default.
    const jsonSplitSize = 128 << 10
    // startReaders will read the header if needed and spin up a parser
    - Registered: Sun Apr 21 19:28:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sun Mar 05 04:57:35 GMT 2023
    - 6.4K bytes
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  4. internal/grid/grid.go

    // as an error to be reported.
    func readAllInto(b []byte, r *wsutil.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
    	for {
    		if len(b) == cap(b) {
    			// Add more capacity (let append pick how much).
    			b = append(b, 0)[:len(b)]
    		n, err := r.Read(b[len(b):cap(b)])
    		b = b[:len(b)+n]
    		if err != nil {
    			if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
    				err = nil
    			return b, err
    - Registered: Sun Apr 21 19:28:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Tue Apr 02 15:56:18 GMT 2024
    - 4.8K bytes
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  5. helm-releases/minio-1.0.0.tgz

    allow pods with the generated client label to connect to MinIO. This label will be displayed in the output of a successful install. Existing secret ---------- Instead of having this chart create the secret for you, you can supply a preexisting secret, much like an existing PersistentVolumeClai. First, create the secret: ```bash kubectl create secret generic my-minio-secret --from-literal=rootUser=foobarbaz --from-literal=rootPassword=foobarbazqux ``` Then install the chart, specifying that you want to...
    - Registered: Sun Apr 21 19:28:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Aug 20 22:30:54 GMT 2021
    - 13.5K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  6. helm-releases/minio-3.4.2.tgz

    allow pods with the generated client label to connect to MinIO. This label will be displayed in the output of a successful install. Existing secret ---------- Instead of having this chart create the secret for you, you can supply a preexisting secret, much like an existing PersistentVolumeClai. First, create the secret: ```bash kubectl create secret generic my-minio-secret --from-literal=rootUser=foobarbaz --from-literal=rootPassword=foobarbazqux ``` Then install the chart, specifying that you want to...
    - Registered: Sun Apr 21 19:28:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Tue Dec 21 02:58:25 GMT 2021
    - 15.2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  7. helm-releases/minio-3.3.4.tgz

    allow pods with the generated client label to connect to MinIO. This label will be displayed in the output of a successful install. Existing secret ---------- Instead of having this chart create the secret for you, you can supply a preexisting secret, much like an existing PersistentVolumeClai. First, create the secret: ```bash kubectl create secret generic my-minio-secret --from-literal=rootUser=foobarbaz --from-literal=rootPassword=foobarbazqux ``` Then install the chart, specifying that you want to...
    - Registered: Sun Apr 21 19:28:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sat Dec 11 17:59:34 GMT 2021
    - 14.6K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  8. helm-releases/minio-3.4.1.tgz

    allow pods with the generated client label to connect to MinIO. This label will be displayed in the output of a successful install. Existing secret ---------- Instead of having this chart create the secret for you, you can supply a preexisting secret, much like an existing PersistentVolumeClai. First, create the secret: ```bash kubectl create secret generic my-minio-secret --from-literal=rootUser=foobarbaz --from-literal=rootPassword=foobarbazqux ``` Then install the chart, specifying that you want to...
    - Registered: Sun Apr 21 19:28:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Dec 20 21:11:50 GMT 2021
    - 15.2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  9. helm-releases/minio-3.2.0.tgz

    allow pods with the generated client label to connect to MinIO. This label will be displayed in the output of a successful install. Existing secret ---------- Instead of having this chart create the secret for you, you can supply a preexisting secret, much like an existing PersistentVolumeClai. First, create the secret: ```bash kubectl create secret generic my-minio-secret --from-literal=rootUser=foobarbaz --from-literal=rootPassword=foobarbazqux ``` Then install the chart, specifying that you want to...
    - Registered: Sun Apr 21 19:28:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed Oct 13 02:16:24 GMT 2021
    - 14.6K bytes
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  10. cmd/xl-storage-format-v2.go

    	if x == o {
    		return false
    	// Prefer newest modtime.
    	if x.ModTime != o.ModTime {
    		return x.ModTime > o.ModTime
    	// The following doesn't make too much sense, but we want sort to be consistent nonetheless.
    	// Prefer lower types
    	if x.Type != o.Type {
    		return x.Type < o.Type
    	// Consistent sort on signature
    - Registered: Sun Apr 21 19:28:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Apr 19 16:43:43 GMT 2024
    - 63.6K bytes
    - Viewed (1)
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