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Results 1 - 1 of 1 for lll (0.15 sec)

  1. operator/cmd/mesh/manifest-generate.go

    	return &cobra.Command{
    		Use:   "generate",
    		Short: "Generates an Istio install manifest",
    		Long:  "The generate subcommand generates an Istio install manifest and outputs to the console by default.",
    		// nolint: lll
    		Example: `  # Generate a default Istio installation
      istioctl manifest generate
      # Enable Tracing
      istioctl manifest generate --set meshConfig.enableTracing=true
      # Generate the demo profile
    - Registered: Wed Mar 20 22:53:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Mar 15 01:18:49 GMT 2024
    - 8.5K bytes
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