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Results 1 - 10 of 4,525 for dependencies (0.18 sec)

  1. build/dependencies.yaml

      # zeitgeist ( was inspired by
      # (and now replaces) the cmd/verifydependencies tool to verify external
      # dependencies across the repo.
      # The zeitgeist dependencies.yaml file format is intended to be
      # backwards-compatible with the original tooling.
      # In instances where the file format may change across versions, this meta
    Registered: 2024-06-15 01:39
    - Last Modified: 2024-06-06 16:13
    - 12.3K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  2. platforms/documentation/docs/src/snippets/kotlinDsl/configurations-and-dependencies-declarative/tests/dependencies.out

    compileClasspath - Compile classpath for source set 'main'.
    \--- com.example:lib:1.1 FAILED
    implementation - Implementation dependencies for the 'main' feature. (n)
    \--- com.example:lib:1.1 (n)
    runtimeClasspath - Runtime classpath of source set 'main'.
    +--- com.example:lib:1.1 FAILED
    \--- com.example:runtime:1.0 FAILED
    runtimeOnly - Runtime-only dependencies for the 'main' feature. (n)
    \--- com.example:runtime:1.0 (n)
    Registered: 2024-06-12 18:38
    - Last Modified: 2023-11-27 17:53
    - 1K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  3. platforms/documentation/docs/src/snippets/kotlinDsl/configurations-and-dependencies-imperative/tests/dependencies.out

    compileClasspath - Compile classpath for source set 'main'.
    \--- com.example:lib:1.1 FAILED
    implementation - Implementation dependencies for the 'main' feature. (n)
    \--- com.example:lib:1.1 (n)
    runtimeClasspath - Runtime classpath of source set 'main'.
    +--- com.example:lib:1.1 FAILED
    \--- com.example:runtime:1.0 FAILED
    runtimeOnly - Runtime-only dependencies for the 'main' feature. (n)
    \--- com.example:runtime:1.0 (n)
    Registered: 2024-06-12 18:38
    - Last Modified: 2023-11-27 17:53
    - 1K bytes
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  4. docs/en/docs/reference/

    # Dependencies - `Depends()` and `Security()`
    ## `Depends()`
    Dependencies are handled mainly with the special function `Depends()` that takes a callable.
    Here is the reference for it and its parameters.
    You can import it directly from `fastapi`:
    from fastapi import Depends
    ::: fastapi.Depends
    ## `Security()`
    Registered: 2024-06-17 08:32
    - Last Modified: 2024-04-18 19:53
    - 671 bytes
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  5. subprojects/core-api/src/main/java/org/gradle/api/artifacts/dsl/

     * Universal APIs that are available for all {@code dependencies} blocks.
     * @apiNote This interface is intended to be used to mix-in DSL methods for {@code dependencies} blocks.
     * @implSpec The default implementation of all methods should not be overridden.
     * @implNote Changes to this interface may require changes to the
     * {@link org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DependenciesExtensionModule extension module for Groovy DSL} or
    Registered: 2024-06-12 18:38
    - Last Modified: 2024-04-22 05:34
    - 6.7K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  6. platforms/documentation/docs/src/snippets/mavenMigration/importBom/tests/dependencies.out

    compileClasspath - Compile classpath for source set 'main'.
    +--- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-dependencies:1.5.8.RELEASE
    |    +--- (c)
    |    +--- dom4j:dom4j:1.6.1 (c)
    |    \--- xml-apis:xml-apis:1.4.01 (c)
    +--- -> 2.8.2
    \--- dom4j:dom4j -> 1.6.1
    Registered: 2024-06-12 18:38
    - Last Modified: 2023-11-27 17:53
    - 357 bytes
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  7. platforms/documentation/docs/src/snippets/kotlinDsl/configurations-and-dependencies-custom/tests/dependencies.out

    Laura Kassovic <******@****.***> 1701107622 -0800
    Registered: 2024-06-12 18:38
    - Last Modified: 2023-11-27 17:53
    - 112 bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  8. platforms/software/plugins-version-catalog/src/integTest/resources/org/gradle/api/plugins/catalog/internal/dependencies.toml

    Tom Tresansky <******@****.***> 1697219015 -0400
    Registered: 2024-06-12 18:38
    - Last Modified: 2023-10-16 12:28
    - 290 bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  9. docs/de/docs/reference/

    Nils Lindemann <******@****.***> 1711822605 +0100
    Registered: 2024-06-17 08:32
    - Last Modified: 2024-03-30 18:16
    - 765 bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  10. docs_src/bigger_applications/app/

    Sebastián Ramírez <******@****.***> 1652485102 -0500
    Registered: 2024-06-17 08:32
    - Last Modified: 2022-05-13 23:38
    - 369 bytes
    - Viewed (0)
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