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Results 1 - 2 of 2 for Slavin (0.18 sec)

  1. android/guava/src/com/google/common/util/concurrent/

     * can't get by with the standard implementations, prefer to derive a new {@code Future} instance
     * with the methods in {@link Futures} or, if necessary, to extend {@link AbstractFuture}.
     * <p>Occasionally, an API will return a plain {@code Future} and it will be impossible to change
     * the return type. For this case, we provide a more expensive workaround in {@code
     * JdkFutureAdapters}. However, when possible, it is more efficient and reliable to create a {@code
    - Registered: Fri Apr 26 12:43:10 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Jun 26 21:13:41 GMT 2023
    - 8K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  2. futures/listenablefuture1/src/com/google/common/util/concurrent/

     * can't get by with the standard implementations, prefer to derive a new {@code Future} instance
     * with the methods in {@link Futures} or, if necessary, to extend {@link AbstractFuture}.
     * <p>Occasionally, an API will return a plain {@code Future} and it will be impossible to change
     * the return type. For this case, we provide a more expensive workaround in {@code
     * JdkFutureAdapters}. However, when possible, it is more efficient and reliable to create a {@code
    - Registered: Fri Apr 26 12:43:10 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Jun 26 21:13:41 GMT 2023
    - 8K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
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