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  1. docs/zh/docs/tutorial/

    这里的「操作」指的是一种 HTTP「方法」。
    * `POST`
    * `GET`
    * `PUT`
    * `DELETE`
    * `OPTIONS`
    * `HEAD`
    * `PATCH`
    * `TRACE`
    在 HTTP 协议中,你可以使用以上的其中一种(或多种)「方法」与每个路径进行通信。
    在开发 API 时,你通常使用特定的 HTTP 方法去执行特定的行为。
    * `POST`:创建数据。
    * `GET`:读取数据。
    * `PUT`:更新数据。
    * `DELETE`:删除数据。
    因此,在 OpenAPI 中,每一个 HTTP 方法都被称为「操作」。
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    - Registered: Sun Apr 28 07:19:10 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu May 12 00:06:16 GMT 2022
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  2. docs/pl/docs/tutorial/

    #### Operacje
    "Operacje" tutaj odnoszą się do jednej z "metod" HTTP.
    Jedna z:
    * `POST`
    * `GET`
    * `PUT`
    * `DELETE`
    ...i te bardziej egzotyczne:
    * `OPTIONS`
    * `HEAD`
    * `PATCH`
    * `TRACE`
    W protokole HTTP można komunikować się z każdą ścieżką za pomocą jednej (lub więcej) "metod".
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    - Registered: Sun Apr 28 07:19:10 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Apr 18 19:53:19 GMT 2024
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  3. docs/vi/docs/tutorial/

    #### Toán tử (Operation)
    "Toán tử" ở đây được nhắc tới là một trong các "phương thức" HTTP.
    Một trong những:
    * `POST`
    * `GET`
    * `PUT`
    * `DELETE`
    ...và một trong những cái còn lại:
    * `OPTIONS`
    * `HEAD`
    * `PATCH`
    * `TRACE`
    Trong giao thức HTTP, bạn có thể giao tiếp trong mỗi đường dẫn sử dụng một (hoặc nhiều) trong các "phương thức này".
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    - Registered: Sun Apr 28 07:19:10 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sat Sep 02 15:44:17 GMT 2023
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  4. docs/tr/docs/tutorial/

    #### Operasyonlar
    Burada "operasyon" HTTP "metodlarından" birini ifade eder.
    Bunlardan biri:
    * `POST`
    * `GET`
    * `PUT`
    * `DELETE`
    ...veya daha az kullanılan diğerleri:
    * `OPTIONS`
    * `HEAD`
    * `PATCH`
    * `TRACE`
    HTTP protokolünde, bu "metodlardan" birini (veya daha fazlasını) kullanarak her bir yol ile iletişim kurabilirsiniz.
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    - Registered: Sun Apr 28 07:19:10 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Feb 08 13:10:55 GMT 2024
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  5. docs/es/docs/tutorial/

    #### Operación
    "Operación" aquí se refiere a uno de los "métodos" de HTTP.
    Uno como:
    * `POST`
    * `GET`
    * `PUT`
    * `DELETE`
    ...y los más exóticos:
    * `OPTIONS`
    * `HEAD`
    * `PATCH`
    * `TRACE`
    En el protocolo de HTTP, te puedes comunicar con cada path usando uno (o más) de estos "métodos".
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    - Registered: Sun Apr 28 07:19:10 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Apr 18 19:53:19 GMT 2024
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  6. docs/pt/docs/tutorial/

    #### Operação
    "Operação" aqui se refere a um dos "métodos" HTTP.
    Um dos:
    * `POST`
    * `GET`
    * `PUT`
    * `DELETE`
    ...e os mais exóticos:
    * `OPTIONS`
    * `HEAD`
    * `PATCH`
    * `TRACE`
    No protocolo HTTP, você pode se comunicar com cada rota usando um (ou mais) desses "métodos".
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    - Registered: Sun Apr 28 07:19:10 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Apr 18 19:53:19 GMT 2024
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  7. docs/ko/docs/tutorial/

    * `POST`
    * `GET`
    * `PUT`
    * `DELETE`
    ...흔히 사용되지 않는 것들도 있습니다:
    * `OPTIONS`
    * `HEAD`
    * `PATCH`
    * `TRACE`
    HTTP 프로토콜에서는 이러한 "메소드"를 하나(또는 이상) 사용하여 각 경로와 통신할 수 있습니다.
    API를 설계할 때 일반적으로 특정 행동을 수행하기 위해 특정 HTTP 메소드를 사용합니다.
    일반적으로 다음과 같습니다:
    * `POST`: 데이터를 생성하기 위해.
    * `GET`: 데이터를 읽기 위해.
    * `PUT`: 데이터를 수정하기 위해.
    * `DELETE`: 데이터를 삭제하기 위해.
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    - Registered: Sun Apr 28 07:19:10 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Apr 18 19:53:19 GMT 2024
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  8. docs/fr/docs/tutorial/

        Un chemin, ou "path" est aussi souvent appelé route ou "endpoint".
    #### Opération
    "Opération" fait référence à une des "méthodes" HTTP.
    Une de :
    * `POST`
    * `GET`
    * `PUT`
    * `DELETE`
    ...ou une des plus exotiques :
    * `OPTIONS`
    * `HEAD`
    * `PATCH`
    * `TRACE`
    Dans le protocol HTTP, vous pouvez communiquer avec chaque chemin en utilisant une (ou plus) de ces "méthodes".
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    - Registered: Sun Apr 28 07:19:10 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed Sep 27 20:52:31 GMT 2023
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  9. docs/de/docs/tutorial/

    Normalerweise verwenden Sie:
    * `POST`: um Daten zu erzeugen (create).
    * `GET`: um Daten zu lesen (read).
    * `PUT`: um Daten zu aktualisieren (update).
    * `DELETE`: um Daten zu löschen (delete).
    In OpenAPI wird folglich jede dieser HTTP-Methoden als „Operation“ bezeichnet.
    Wir werden sie auch „**Operationen**“ nennen.
    #### Definieren eines *Pfadoperation-Dekorators*
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    - Last Modified: Sat Jan 13 12:16:22 GMT 2024
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  10. docs/en/docs/tutorial/

    Normally you use:
    * `POST`: to create data.
    * `GET`: to read data.
    * `PUT`: to update data.
    * `DELETE`: to delete data.
    So, in OpenAPI, each of the HTTP methods is called an "operation".
    We are going to call them "**operations**" too.
    #### Define a *path operation decorator*
    ```Python hl_lines="6"
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    - Last Modified: Fri Jun 30 18:25:16 GMT 2023
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