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Results 1 - 10 of 68 for Cumulative (0.15 sec)

  1. src/runtime/metrics/description.go

    	Kind ValueKind
    	// Cumulative is whether or not the metric is cumulative. If a cumulative metric is just
    	// a single number, then it increases monotonically. If the metric is a distribution,
    	// then each bucket count increases monotonically.
    	// This flag thus indicates whether or not it's useful to compute a rate from this value.
    	Cumulative bool
    Registered: 2024-06-12 16:32
    - Last Modified: 2023-12-06 17:59
    - 19.6K bytes
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  2. pkg/serviceaccount/metrics.go

    			StabilityLevel: metrics.ALPHA,
    	// invalidatedAutoTokensTotal is the number of uses of automatically generated secret-based long lived tokens that have been marked as invalid.
    	invalidatedAutoTokensTotal = metrics.NewCounter(
    			Subsystem:      kubeServiceAccountSubsystem,
    			Name:           "invalid_legacy_auto_token_uses_total",
    Registered: 2024-06-15 01:39
    - Last Modified: 2023-10-27 03:52
    - 3.4K bytes
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  3. src/internal/trace/mud.go

    		if d.trackSum >= d.trackMass {
    			// The tracked mass now falls in a different
    			// bucket. Recompute the inverse cumulative sum.
    // setTrackMass sets the mass to track the inverse cumulative sum for.
    // Specifically, mass is a cumulative duration, and the mutator
    // utilization bounds for this duration can be queried using
    // approxInvCumulativeSum.
    Registered: 2024-06-12 16:32
    - Last Modified: 2024-05-23 01:00
    - 5.7K bytes
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  4. pkg/kubelet/metrics/metrics.go

    	// RuntimeOperations is a Counter that tracks the cumulative number of remote runtime operations.
    	// Broken down by operation type.
    	RuntimeOperations = metrics.NewCounterVec(
    			Subsystem:      KubeletSubsystem,
    			Name:           RuntimeOperationsKey,
    			Help:           "Cumulative number of runtime operations by operation type.",
    			StabilityLevel: metrics.ALPHA,
    Registered: 2024-06-15 01:39
    - Last Modified: 2024-02-22 15:13
    - 45.6K bytes
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  5. src/cmd/vendor/

            {{printf "  Total:  %10s %10s (flat, cum) %s" .Flat .Cumulative .Percent -}}
            {{range .Lines -}}{{"\n" -}}
              {{/* source line */ -}}
              <span class=line>{{printf " %6d" .Line}}</span>{{" " -}}
              <span class={{.HTMLClass}}>
                {{- printf "  %10s %10s %8s  %s " .Flat .Cumulative "" .SrcLine -}}
              </span>{{"" -}}
              {{if .Instructions -}}
    Registered: 2024-06-12 16:32
    - Last Modified: 2024-05-31 19:48
    - 2.5K bytes
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  6. src/internal/trace/mud_test.go

    		if !aeq(mass, hmass) {
    			t.Fatalf("want mass %g, got %g", mass, hmass)
    		// Check inverse cumulative sum approximations.
    		for j := 0.0; j < mass; j += mass * 0.099 {
    			l, u, ok := mud.approxInvCumulativeSum()
    			inv, ok2 := mud.invCumulativeSum(j)
    			if !ok || !ok2 {
    				t.Fatalf("inverse cumulative sum failed: approx %v, exact %v", ok, ok2)
    			if !(l <= inv && inv < u) {
    Registered: 2024-06-12 16:32
    - Last Modified: 2024-05-17 18:48
    - 2.5K bytes
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  7. pkg/proxy/metrics/metrics.go

    	// has seen.
    	EndpointChangesTotal = metrics.NewCounter(
    			Subsystem:      kubeProxySubsystem,
    			Name:           "sync_proxy_rules_endpoint_changes_total",
    			Help:           "Cumulative proxy rules Endpoint changes",
    			StabilityLevel: metrics.ALPHA,
    	// ServiceChangesPending is the number of pending service changes that
    	// have not yet been synced to the proxy.
    Registered: 2024-06-15 01:39
    - Last Modified: 2024-05-21 14:39
    - 13.7K bytes
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  8. pkg/ctrlz/topics/assets/templates/mem.html

            <td id="Mallocs">{{.Mallocs}} objects</td>
            <td>Cumulative count of heap objects allocated.</td>
            <td id="Frees">{{.Frees}} objects</td>
            <td>Cumulative count of heap objects freed.</td>
            <td id="Live">0 objects</td>
    Registered: 2024-06-14 15:00
    - Last Modified: 2023-05-23 17:08
    - 7.2K bytes
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  9. pkg/kubelet/metrics/collectors/resource_metrics_test.go

    						Time:           testTime,
    						SwapUsageBytes: uint64Ptr(500),
    			summaryErr: nil,
    			expectedMetrics: `
    				# HELP node_cpu_usage_seconds_total [STABLE] Cumulative cpu time consumed by the node in core-seconds
    				# TYPE node_cpu_usage_seconds_total counter
    				node_cpu_usage_seconds_total 10 1624396278302
    Registered: 2024-06-15 01:39
    - Last Modified: 2024-03-07 08:12
    - 15.3K bytes
    - Viewed (1)
  10. pkg/kubelet/metrics/collectors/resource_metrics.go

    	summary ""
    var (
    	nodeCPUUsageDesc = metrics.NewDesc("node_cpu_usage_seconds_total",
    		"Cumulative cpu time consumed by the node in core-seconds",
    	nodeMemoryUsageDesc = metrics.NewDesc("node_memory_working_set_bytes",
    		"Current working set of the node in bytes",
    Registered: 2024-06-15 01:39
    - Last Modified: 2023-09-08 07:13
    - 9.2K bytes
    - Viewed (2)
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