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Results 1 - 10 of 11 for 800 (0.01 sec)

  1. docs/en/docs/img/deployment/https/https01.drawio

                        <mxGeometry relative="1" as="geometry">
                            <Array as="points">
                                <mxPoint x="800" y="521"/>
                                <mxPoint x="800" y="560"/>
                            <mxPoint x="803" y="521" as="sourcePoint"/>
    Registered: 2024-11-03 07:19
    - Last Modified: 2022-05-12 00:06
    - 6.2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  2. guava-tests/test/com/google/common/hash/

       * Tests that the Java port of Fingerprint2011 provides the same results on buffers up to 800
       * bytes long as the original implementation in C++. See http://cl/106539598
      public void testMultipleLengths() {
        int iterations = 800;
        byte[] buf = new byte[iterations * 4];
        int bufLen = 0;
        long h = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
    Registered: 2024-11-01 12:43
    - Last Modified: 2024-07-23 14:22
    - 7.6K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  3. docs/en/docs/img/deployment/https/https02.drawio

                        <mxGeometry relative="1" as="geometry">
                            <Array as="points">
                                <mxPoint x="800" y="521"/>
                                <mxPoint x="800" y="560"/>
                            <mxPoint x="803" y="521" as="sourcePoint"/>
    Registered: 2024-11-03 07:19
    - Last Modified: 2022-05-12 00:06
    - 9.4K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  4. guava-tests/test/com/google/common/hash/

       * Tests that the Java port of FarmHashFingerprint64 provides the same results on buffers up to
       * 800 bytes long as the C++ reference implementation.
      public void testMultipleLengths() {
        int iterations = 800;
        byte[] buf = new byte[iterations * 4];
        int bufLen = 0;
        long h = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
          h ^= fingerprint(buf, i);
    Registered: 2024-11-01 12:43
    - Last Modified: 2024-07-23 14:22
    - 6.2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  5. android/guava-tests/test/com/google/common/hash/

       * Tests that the Java port of FarmHashFingerprint64 provides the same results on buffers up to
       * 800 bytes long as the C++ reference implementation.
      public void testMultipleLengths() {
        int iterations = 800;
        byte[] buf = new byte[iterations * 4];
        int bufLen = 0;
        long h = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
          h ^= fingerprint(buf, i);
    Registered: 2024-11-01 12:43
    - Last Modified: 2024-07-23 14:22
    - 6.2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  6. native-image-tests/src/main/kotlin/okhttp3/DotListener.kt

      override fun executionSkipped(
        testIdentifier: TestIdentifier,
        reason: String,
      ) {
      private fun printStatus(s: String) {
        if (++testCount % 80 == 0) {
      override fun executionFinished(
        testIdentifier: TestIdentifier,
        testExecutionResult: TestExecutionResult,
      ) {
    Registered: 2024-11-01 11:42
    - Last Modified: 2024-01-08 01:13
    - 2.2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  7. src/main/java/jcifs/smb1/smb1/

            subCommand = TRANS2_QUERY_FS_INFORMATION;
            this.informationLevel = informationLevel;
            totalParameterCount = 2;
            totalDataCount = 0;
            maxParameterCount = 0;
            maxDataCount = 800;
            maxSetupCount = 0;
        int writeSetupWireFormat( byte[] dst, int dstIndex ) {
            dst[dstIndex++] = subCommand;
            dst[dstIndex++] = (byte)0x00;
            return 2;
    Registered: 2024-11-03 00:10
    - Last Modified: 2019-03-22 21:10
    - 2.5K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  8. src/main/java/jcifs/internal/smb1/trans2/

            this.informationLevel = informationLevel;
            this.totalParameterCount = 2;
            this.totalDataCount = 0;
            this.maxParameterCount = 0;
            this.maxDataCount = 800;
            this.maxSetupCount = 0;
        protected int writeSetupWireFormat ( byte[] dst, int dstIndex ) {
            dst[ dstIndex++ ] = this.getSubCommand();
            dst[ dstIndex++ ] = (byte) 0x00;
    Registered: 2024-11-03 00:10
    - Last Modified: 2018-07-01 13:12
    - 3.5K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  9. internal/config/identity/openid/jwt_test.go

    			expectErr: true,
    			reqURL:    "",
    			expectErr: true,
    			reqURL:    "",
    			expectErr: true,
    			reqURL:   "",
    			duration: time.Duration(901) * time.Second,
    	for i, testCase := range testCases {
    Registered: 2024-11-03 19:28
    - Last Modified: 2024-05-24 23:05
    - 8.3K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  10. gradle/libs.versions.toml

    gradlePlugin-mavenSympathy = "io.github.usefulness.maven-sympathy:io.github.usefulness.maven-sympathy.gradle.plugin:0.3.0"
    gradlePlugin-shadow = ""
    gradlePlugin-spotless = "com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-plugin-gradle:6.25.0"
    guava-jre = ""
    hamcrestLibrary = "org.hamcrest:hamcrest-library:3.0"
    Registered: 2024-11-01 11:42
    - Last Modified: 2024-10-28 11:53
    - 7.5K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
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