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Results 1 - 5 of 5 for generic (1.17 sec)

  1. helm-releases/minio-5.0.15.tgz

    own CA and for the CA of a Keycloak server, a Kubernetes secret can be created from the certificate files using `kubectl`: ``` kubectl -n minio create secret generic minio-trusted-certs --from-file=public.crt --from-file=keycloak.crt ``` If TLS is not enabled, you would need only the third party CA: ``` kubectl -n minio create secret generic minio-trusted-certs --from-file=keycloak.crt ``` The name of the generated secret can then be passed to Helm using a values file or the `--set` parameter: ```...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Jan 12 18:18:57 GMT 2024
    - 20.8K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  2. helm-releases/minio-5.1.0.tgz

    own CA and for the CA of a Keycloak server, a Kubernetes secret can be created from the certificate files using `kubectl`: ``` kubectl -n minio create secret generic minio-trusted-certs --from-file=public.crt --from-file=keycloak.crt ``` If TLS is not enabled, you would need only the third party CA: ``` kubectl -n minio create secret generic minio-trusted-certs --from-file=keycloak.crt ``` The name of the generated secret can then be passed to Helm using a values file or the `--set` parameter: ```...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sun Mar 03 18:49:37 GMT 2024
    - 21.3K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  3. helm-releases/minio-5.2.0.tgz

    own CA and for the CA of a Keycloak server, a Kubernetes secret can be created from the certificate files using `kubectl`: ``` kubectl -n minio create secret generic minio-trusted-certs --from-file=public.crt --from-file=keycloak.crt ``` If TLS is not enabled, you would need only the third party CA: ``` kubectl -n minio create secret generic minio-trusted-certs --from-file=keycloak.crt ``` The name of the generated secret can then be passed to Helm using a values file or the `--set` parameter: ```...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sun Apr 28 10:14:37 GMT 2024
    - 21.7K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  4. operator/cmd/mesh/testdata/manifest-generate/data-snapshot.tar.gz

    injection, simplifying upgrades, allowing gateways to run in any namespace, and avoiding repeating config for sidecars and gateways. * Published to official Istio Helm repository. * Single chart for all gateways (Ingress, Egress, East West). #### General concerns For a smooth migration, the resource names and `Deployment.spec.selector` labels must match. If you install with `helm install istio-gateway istio/gateway`, resources will be named `istio-gateway` and the `selector` labels set to: ```yaml...
    - Registered: Wed May 08 22:53:08 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed Jan 10 05:10:03 GMT 2024
    - 198.1K bytes
    - Viewed (1)
  5. docs/en/mkdocs.yml

        - deployment/
        - deployment/
        - deployment/
        - deployment/
        - deployment/
      - How To - Recipes:
        - how-to/
        - how-to/
        - how-to/
        - how-to/
        - how-to/
        - how-to/
        - how-to/
    - Registered: Sun May 05 07:19:11 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu May 02 22:37:31 GMT 2024
    - 9.1K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
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