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          of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
          defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
          incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
          of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
       APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
    Shell Script
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Aug 11 05:08:38 GMT 2023
    - 11.4K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  2. helm/minio/

    helm install --set persistence.enabled=false minio/minio
    > *"An emptyDir volume is first created when a Pod is assigned to a Node, and exists as long as that Pod is running on that node. When a Pod is removed from a node for any reason, the data in the emptyDir is deleted forever."*
    ### Existing PersistentVolumeClaim
    If a Persistent Volume Claim already exists, specify it during installation.
    1. Create the PersistentVolume
    Plain Text
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Wed Jan 24 07:27:57 GMT 2024
    - 10.9K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  3. cmd/object-api-errors.go

    // SlowDown  too many file descriptors open or backend busy .
    type SlowDown struct{}
    func (e SlowDown) Error() string {
    	return "Please reduce your request rate"
    // RQErrType reason for read quorum error.
    type RQErrType int
    const (
    	// RQInsufficientOnlineDrives - not enough online drives.
    	RQInsufficientOnlineDrives RQErrType = 1 << iota
    	// RQInconsistentMeta - inconsistent metadata.
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sun May 05 16:56:21 GMT 2024
    - 21.3K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  4. internal/s3select/message.go

    	207, 151, 211, 146, // message crc.
    // newErrorMessage - creates new Request Level Error Message. S3 sends this message if the request failed for any reason.
    // It contains the error code and error message for the failure. If S3 sends a RequestLevelError message,
    // it doesn't send an End message.
    // Header specification:
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Tue Aug 30 15:26:43 GMT 2022
    - 15.2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  5. helm-releases/minio-2.0.0.tgz

    PersistentVolumeClai by: ```bash helm install --set persistence.enabled=false minio/minio ``` > *"An emptyDir volume is first created when a Pod is assigned to a Node, and exists as long as that Pod is running on that node. When a Pod is removed from a node for any reason, the data in the emptyDir is deleted forever."* Existing PersistentVolumeClai ---------- If a Persistent Volume Claim already exists, specify it during installation. 1. Create the PersistentVolume 2. Create the PersistentVolumeClai 3. Install the...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Thu Aug 26 07:36:46 GMT 2021
    - 13.6K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  6. helm-releases/minio-1.0.3.tgz

    PersistentVolumeClai by: ```bash helm install --set persistence.enabled=false minio/minio ``` > *"An emptyDir volume is first created when a Pod is assigned to a Node, and exists as long as that Pod is running on that node. When a Pod is removed from a node for any reason, the data in the emptyDir is deleted forever."* Existing PersistentVolumeClai ---------- If a Persistent Volume Claim already exists, specify it during installation. 1. Create the PersistentVolume 2. Create the PersistentVolumeClai 3. Install the...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Tue Aug 24 19:04:07 GMT 2021
    - 13.6K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  7. helm-releases/minio-3.3.3.tgz

    PersistentVolumeClai by: ```bash helm install --set persistence.enabled=false minio/minio ``` > *"An emptyDir volume is first created when a Pod is assigned to a Node, and exists as long as that Pod is running on that node. When a Pod is removed from a node for any reason, the data in the emptyDir is deleted forever."* Existing PersistentVolumeClai ---------- If a Persistent Volume Claim already exists, specify it during installation. 1. Create the PersistentVolume 2. Create the PersistentVolumeClai 3. Install the...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Sat Dec 11 17:28:02 GMT 2021
    - 14.6K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  8. helm-releases/minio-3.1.4.tgz

    PersistentVolumeClai by: ```bash helm install --set persistence.enabled=false minio/minio ``` > *"An emptyDir volume is first created when a Pod is assigned to a Node, and exists as long as that Pod is running on that node. When a Pod is removed from a node for any reason, the data in the emptyDir is deleted forever."* Existing PersistentVolumeClai ---------- If a Persistent Volume Claim already exists, specify it during installation. 1. Create the PersistentVolume 2. Create the PersistentVolumeClai 3. Install the...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Mon Sep 20 05:30:22 GMT 2021
    - 14.4K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  9. helm-releases/minio-3.4.4.tgz

    PersistentVolumeClai by: ```bash helm install --set persistence.enabled=false minio/minio ``` > *"An emptyDir volume is first created when a Pod is assigned to a Node, and exists as long as that Pod is running on that node. When a Pod is removed from a node for any reason, the data in the emptyDir is deleted forever."* Existing PersistentVolumeClai ---------- If a Persistent Volume Claim already exists, specify it during installation. 1. Create the PersistentVolume 2. Create the PersistentVolumeClai 3. Install the...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Fri Dec 31 04:21:24 GMT 2021
    - 15.2K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
  10. helm-releases/minio-3.5.2.tgz

    PersistentVolumeClai by: ```bash helm install --set persistence.enabled=false minio/minio ``` > *"An emptyDir volume is first created when a Pod is assigned to a Node, and exists as long as that Pod is running on that node. When a Pod is removed from a node for any reason, the data in the emptyDir is deleted forever."* Existing PersistentVolumeClai ---------- If a Persistent Volume Claim already exists, specify it during installation. 1. Create the PersistentVolume 2. Create the PersistentVolumeClai 3. Install the...
    - Registered: Sun May 05 19:28:20 GMT 2024
    - Last Modified: Tue Feb 08 00:29:26 GMT 2022
    - 15.4K bytes
    - Viewed (0)
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